Perfect Health: Ayurveda Lifestyle Program

What is Ayurvedic Healing?

Ayurveda, the 5,000-year-old healing system founded in ancient India, is derived from the Sanskrit words ayus meaning life, and veda meaning wisdom. Ayurveda, the wisdom of life, offers a proven guide for a life of happiness, vitality, love and purpose. From the Ayurvedic perspective, human beings are not viewed as mere thinking physical machines, but rather as fields of intelligence in dynamic exchange with the energy and information of the environment.

Health is a state of vibrant balance in which all the layers of one’s life are integrated.Drawing from the wisdom of 5,000 years of Ayurvedic Healing, Kami supports and nurtures clients on a wholistic path toward healing. Working through her personalized and solutions-based approach, Kami applies a combination of the practices of visioning, meditation and imagery to guide seekers to the field of potentiality that exists in and around all of us.

The Perfect Health: Ayurveda Lifestyle Program

Based on the global bestseller “Perfect Health” by Deepak Chopra, M.D., the Chopra Center Ayurvedic Lifestyle Program teaches you to easily bring balance and healing into your life. Students will learn a powerful regimen of Ayurvedic practices designed to balance the body and mind, enhance nutrition, reduce emotional turbulence and re-awaken the senses.

In some form or another, we all seek Perfect Health—physically and emotionally. Chopra Center co-founder and medical director, David Simon, M.D., designed a beautiful five lesson course for achieving equilibrium of the mind and the body. When our bodies and minds are in balance we can make nourishing choices, achieve healing, and experience the change we seek.

What will we learn and practice together in the Perfect Health Program?

  • Introduction to the principles of Ayurveda, meditation and yoga with specific attention to the three primary mind-body types of doshas: Vata, Pitta & Kapha

  • Explore how to choose and prepare the most nourishing foods for your mind-body type for maintaining vibrant health, appropriate weight and optimizing digestion

  • Learn how to practice conscious communication to enhance relationships with yourself and others to achieve emotional freedom

  • Learn to use the 5 senses to access the power in your body's inner pharmacy to promote healing, nourishment and to achieve and maintain balance

  • Create a personal daily routine that is aligned with the rhythms of nature to promote daily renewal and elimination of toxins that can build up in the mind-body

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Practices and techniques learned with the Perfect Health Ayurvedic Lifestyle program will enable you to:

    Balance the mind-body

    Enhance Nutrition

    Improve your digestion and sleep patterns

    Release emotional toxicity

    Restore vitality

    Re-awaken the senses

  • Perfect Health is available in both workshop and virtual settings. Sessions can also be offered as individual presentations. This is a Chopra Center Signature Workshop with a suggested course price of $595 per person. Discounts are available for Seniors, Military, Students among other special populations.

    Connect to schedule a workshop, class or individual presentation

    Connect with Kami

Meditation: Quiet the Mind & Awaken the Spirit

  • Meditation is one of the foundational practices of Ayurveda, and one of the Six Pillars of Wellbeing. Most of us live very active lives and navigate the demands of a busy, stimulating world. Even when we're in a quiet setting, our minds are filled with activity, busy with thoughts about the past, plans for the future, and a stream of interpretations, judgments, and stories about the events of our lives.

    Meditation allows you to settle into quieter and quieter levels of awareness until you experience the pure silence within.

    The process starts to purify the body, releasing stress, fatigue, and toxins that prevent you from experiencing your essential nature.

    Reconnect to who you really are—pure love, pure joy, and pure potential—and then bring this person back into your everyday life.

  • Practicing Meditation on a daily basis can help you to:

    Manage stress

    Reduce anxiety

    Improve your relationships

    Create Inner Peace

    Awaken your intuition

    Enhance your sleep patterns

    Lower your blood pressure

    Become less judgmental

    Connect to spirit

  • Guided Meditation and meditation instruction is available in both workshop and virtual settings. Sessions can also be offered one on one or added to an empowerment coaching session. Please connect with me to schedule a workshop, class or individual presentation

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